Pool Table Moving, Installation and Repair
Do you have a pool table that needs to be moved or repaired? You’ve come to the right place. Elite Home Gamerooms not only supplies one of the largest selections of pool tables in town, we also offer moving and recovering services as well. Give us a call at (941) 281-2987 or email us at info@elitehomegamerooms.com to schedule your appointment today!
Is It Time for New Felt?
Traditional woven pool table cloth life span is between 3-5 years for optimal play. Tournament grade/worsted cloth every 18 months. If a pool table has been moved once since it was installed, it should have new cloth installed if it is moved again (2nd move since original installation).
Should My Cushions Be Replaced?
The rail/cushions on a pool table are made of rubber. Depending on the pool table manufacturer the rubber can be a high-grade long-lasting rubber or a lower quality rubber that can dry out quickly and loose it’s ‘bounce’ or rebound capability. A simple test can determine if your pool table needs new cushions.